I also left a comment on this post because it just rubbed me the wrong way. If you join a battleground and the mage decides not to drop a table and you decide because of that you're not going to heal him, that's fine. But publicly abusing the mage for not dropping the table and saying "HEY, DON'T HEAL THAT GUY, HE DIDN'T DROP A TABLE!" is elitist and absurd on a level that I can't even begin to imagine. None of the other classes dropped a table and a few of them probably didn't even give you a buff. By that logic, none of them should be healed at all. Especially rogues... with their no buffs and their being invisible and their poisons and blinds and whatnot.
Now, don't get me wrong, despite what it sounds like, I'm not defending the mages for not dropping a table. If I had all the money back that I'd spent dropping tables in random BGs then... well... I wouldn't have that much money since the reagents are so cheap. Maybe the person playing the mage just forgot to drop one or maybe he dropped 18 in a row in BGs and forgot to stock up on reagents. Or maybe he just doesn't care since he just lost five randoms in a row because he's been playing with M&S all day. My point is, asking "hey, could a mage please drop a table?" sounds a bit better.
I guess since people don't run into other players in groups/BGs anymore then being rude seems like the good first option since there are zero lasting repercussions to doing so.
In other news, I've been healing with my pally since I hit 85 a few days ago and I already have almost all 378+ gear (missing a trinket and a weapon.) I spent a few thousand gold on a couple items, spent points on a couple more and got the rest as drops. I find it ridiculous that I'm already end-content raid ready after hitting 85 and only running maybe 12 heroics? Don't get me wrong, I like loot as much as the next guy but I'm a big fan of challenge too. Surely there has to be a point between the raid loot from vanilla and what we have now.
I have a buddy who's been playing WoW most of it's existence who quit the game a few months back. He came back with a ten-day trial, geared up, killed Deathwing and promptly quit the game again. It'd be nice if Blizzard could hit some sort of sweet spot between vanilla MC "maybe you'll get a piece of gear this month" to "oh, you're 85? Here's all your gear, go kick some ass!"
I remember in vanilla running all over the place to put my "Tier 0.5" dungeon set together. Even though I was frustrated as hell that that STUPID MAGISTER'S HELM wouldn't drop off of that STUPID ASSHOLE GANDLING in Scholomance, once it did it was oh so super sweet.
My mage is still level 80. Next week he'll be 85 and the week after that I'll kill the final raid boss in the game with him. No biggie.
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