Saturday, February 18, 2012

My LFR virginity is gone

A shaman buddy of mine asked me if I wanted to try out LFR today. I hadn't done it yet and I'd been working on my pally's gear this whole time for something, right? So, off we went into the queue and a few minutes later we were blasting away at some boss, I don't even know. The whole experience was a blur. Here's how it went down:

  1. Buff, beacon on tank, etc.
  2. Boss fight starts
  3. Watch raid frames and heal people taking damage
  4. Repeat #4 ad nauseum
  5. Roll on loot
  6. Watch random people yell "OMG U SUXOR NOOB"
LFR is simply awful. I had to log off the game afterwards to clear my head.  If I had never raided before in my life and this was my first experience of it, I probably would never do it again.

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