Thursday, February 9, 2012

On a Thursday

Football season has come and gone and left us with a new Super Bowl champion. The Giants still managed to win even though the Patriots looked like the better team most of the game. Welker doesn't drop that pass or one of a couple other plays going the other way could've changed the outcome of this game completely. Around the end of the third quarter Devon, who had been watching the game with me, said, "This game is boring."

Huh. I guess it was. All of the excitement happened near the end I guess.

After what I thought was a pretty good football game, the important stories from the day emerged:

  • OMG LOL Madonna is old!
  • M.I.A. gave America the finger! LOLWUT!
  • Gisele yelled at fans of the other team for razzing her about her husband's play.
Speaking of M.I.A., I learned some things about her. #1, did you know she's an actual person? I assumed with a name consisting of an acronym that she was a group of people. As I was watching the halftime show, my thoughts sounded like this:

"Hmm, Madonna isn't as terrible as I expected her to be. Is she lip syncing? I can't really tell but yeah, probably. Who's that girl with the big ass? Oh, um... yeah, her name is Nicole Minaj or something like that. What about the girl on the other side? No idea. I guess they put a random dancer up there to balance out the stage. I hope Madonna sings 'Ray of Light.' "

Thank god that's over. Less than two weeks until pitchers and catchers report!


I've been playing a bit of World of Warcraft again to pass the time. I hadn't played more than a tiny bit since Cataclysm came out. I played the beta so much I didn't feel like playing the actual expansion. I've been leveling my pally and playing the glyph market. The game is fun but the world seems smaller than it did way back when I first started playing. Also, leveling is waaaay faster. Guild perks + heirlooms means I did 67-80 in almost no time at all. I'm almost 85 now (84.51 to be exact) and I'm not sure what I'll do when I hit 85. I think I might get my hunter to 85 next.

Playing the game at my own pace and not feeling obligated to be on at certain times to raid feels refreshing.

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